Workshops organized by Centre for Education at the Palma University!

The partner Center for Education organized two workshops at the University of the Balearic Islands in Mallorca, Spain, during the morning of the 23/02/2022 and the afternoon of the 24/02/2022. It took place in collaboration with the professors Dr. Eduardo Lladó Martín and Dr. Pedro Antonio Rivas Yarza, from the faculty of Economics.
The events had a good attendance, with over 70 participants who learned in detail about the 2 intellectual outputs of the project, explaining the functioning of both the mobile report and app, as well as the toolset and its different components, i.e., the evaluation tool, the online course and the Open Educative Resources (OER) Library.
The participants were involved during the events in giving their feedback about the different tools and learned about the importance of informal skills in enterprises and work situations or if they want to become self-employed entrepreneurs.
The educators agreed on the importance of learning about informal skills in the entrepreneurial world in addition to more ‘formal’ contents that are being taught in courses for entrepreneurs.
The partner organizing the event, Centre for Education, was overall satisfied with the organization and the outcomes of the event. They were very pleased with the high number of attendants on both events. The feedback received by the attendants was quite positive. Center for Education also was pleased to disseminate the events to attendants in Menorca and Eivissa, who couldn’t attend in person, but could attend the event through online conference!
All in all, the events were quite successful and will help to disseminate the results of the project and ensure they will be used after the end of the project, by both NEETs and educators, in the Balearic Islands.