5th Virtual Meeting

On the 15th of February 2022 the partnership of the IDEA project met for the fifth virtual meeting. We had really hoped to meet in person but the pandemic did not allow it.
Thanks to the suggestions received during the testing phase, the Toolset will soon be published in its final form, and the project partners are satisfied with the good evaluations received, which repay the work done over the last two and a half years.
KEA Syros, the coordinator, reviewed the administrative tasks of the project which is now in its closing phase and everyone agreed on time and tasks with a great spirit of collaboration.
Multiplier events will be organised in each country of the partnership and they will be a moment of sharing, training and information, which are fundamental for the dissemination of the project.
The desire to meet each other is very strong and a meeting in presence is planned in Genoa on the 28th of March 2022, in order to say goodbye and define the last details of the project closure.